Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On another note....


  1. Ok that nearly made me cry!!! Way to go guys!!!! How very exciting!!!!

  2. You guys are amazing! Teared up myself watching this. Keep on doing what your doing!

  3. Made me cry. What a blessing!

    Sad thinking of the goodbyes but can't wait to have you all home!


  4. Made me get all teary. Good tears, thinking of how God has used a bunch of kids from the US to minister and bring life giving water to His children in El Salvador. Beautiful. Just Beautiful.

    A proud member of your church back home

  5. Talk about inspiring.The work that has been accomplished here is true ministry. Not only giving them clean water to drink but providing the "Living Water" as well. They developed relationships with the people of this village. How wonderful! Praise the Living God! I am so proud of these young people.

  6. Seriously teared up... It really blows my mind at what we take for granted. So proud of VERB and Heritage for making the biggest impact in this village. Giving clean water and the love of Christ.

  7. the work you guys are doing is incredible. i cant wait to hear about how all of this has changed your lives.

  8. What an amazing testimony of how something we take so for granted here in the US can be a life changing tool in other parts of the world! Since you guys have been gone I pray for you each time I let the water run a little too long here knowing how precious it is done there!!! Many thanks for your willingness to be God's instrument in growing His Kingdom! Nan Hutton




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